5 reasons to hire a doula

Reasons to hire a doula

Reasons to hire a doula

Sure, I’m a birth doula and yes I would absolutely love to support you through your pregnancy, birth and postpartum journey, but that’s not really why I’m writing this post. I am writing this because I want to share with you why I wanted to hire a doula for not only my first birth, but also my second and again for my third. I’m one of those people who really LOVES to learn every. little. thing. When I got pregnant with my first, I devoured book after book and signed us up for childbirth classes. I attended breastfeeding clinics at the children’s hospital where I worked during that time. We took a postpartum course and a baby care course, and finally I opted for prenatal fitness and yoga classes when my current exercise routine wasn’t cooperating with my growing and changing body. However, despite all those courses, books, clinics, fitness classes I knew deep down that I wanted more support. I knew deep down that this journey would change my life and my relationships in a big way. I knew deep down I needed someone who had been through it and could support not only me, but my partner as well. I knew deep down that I needed just one other person to be completely focused on me and my wishes.

Personally my reasons for hiring doula support were initially straightforward and perhaps simple, however what I got out of it was so much more and so did my partner. Here’s our top reasons to hire a doula.

Avoid the google search rabbit hole

As I said above, I love being informed especially when it comes to my body. But, occasionally during my pregnancies (because each one was different!)the books I had didn’t cover that particular symptom or feeling that I was experiencing and I would take to google. This almost never worked. Let me tell you, I never knew anxiety until I was pregnant with my first. After we hired our doula, she became my google. My one stop shop for all pregnancy, birth, postpartum information. I would just email, text or call her and Heather would either point me in the right direction (insert evidence based research here), provide me with a well thought out answer (also based on the evidence), or tell me to ask that question during my next appointment with my care provider.

Partner support

My partner and I had all our babies away from our families. We lived half way across Canada and decided it would be fun to be pregnant with all our friends at the same time. We failed to realize is that when we did this we could not really rely on them as support during labor or postpartum. We all did the baby showers together and food train for each other when the time arrived for each of us, but ultimately the laboring and birthing was done on our own. From all our courses, I knew first time moms could labor for a long time, sometimes up to 2 days! Suddenly I felt like my partner needed someone to spell him out and give him a break from time to time. When we met with our doula, we both knew instantly that she was perfect for us. I knew Heather was the right fit for me based on a feeling, she just put me at ease. Meanwhile my partner knew she was right for him because she recognized and respected how much he wanted to be a support for me and her vast knowledge. Plus, she encouraged him to read some of her favorite books and really helped him throughout the labor. Their teamwork was something I didn’t really notice while I was in labor, but wow it made all the difference.

Satisfied with my birth experience

skin to skin with daddy

skin to skin with daddy

Although this one is a well researched outcome of doula support, I can definitely say that this was my experience too. I know that not everyone would feel this way, but immediately after each one of my births, I would look at either Heather (my doula for my first birth and back ups for next two) or Victoria (my doula for my second and third) and say with a smile on my face, “I could do that again”. And I meant it, every word, every time. I felt supported, I felt confident (even with my first birth), I felt empowered and I felt so strong! My partner played a huge role in this as well as he has always been my number one doula, but he also remarks that he couldn’t have done it without Heather or Victoria. The advice he gives many parents-to-be is to “hire a doula, and thank me later”. I feel the same way. Both my doulas helped us advocate for the birth experience and the quiet newborn family time we desired.

Written birth story

If I’m being honest, this was a big draw for me right from the start. It could be because I love reading and hold on to my favorite books, poems, articles longer than most people, and my birth stories are no different. The only exception is I will never part with them and each of my children have copies of them as well. I cherish my birth stories and I am grateful I have them. I mentioned above that during my labors I didn’t exactly notice what my partner and my doula were up to, but it’s written in the birth stories and I am so glad it is because the teamwork they provided me and the care my doulas provided my partner were above and beyond. Thanks to these detailed birth stories I know that Heather bought my partner breakfast, encouraged him to take a break, reminded him to ask to cut the cord. Victoria ensured my partner was able to check on the babysitter if needed, bought us breakfast, took wonderful pictures so we could just enjoy baby time.

Postpartum support without judgement

Although both my birth doulas provided follow up postpartum visits to discuss and process the birth, check on feeding and general check in with both of us in terms of our sleeping, eating, cleaning needs, I wanted more and decided to hire a postpartum doula who specialized in breastfeeding. Most of my friends were breastfeeding without any difficulty whatsoever, but I wasn’t as lucky. I was forever grateful for Aline who was quick to assess, advise, and coach, but also refer me to a lactation consultant when I experienced over supply and engorgement with my second baby and weigh my third after each feed to put my mind at ease. Aline would always call and check with me before she came in case I needed something (like toilet paper!), when she’d arrive she would do the laundry, help with the feeds, allow me time to shower and/or nap and somehow tidy the house and clean the toys while I did that. With my second she got right to business helping me potty train my oldest while helping me nurse a fussy baby. Aline supported us in our parenting ideas and approaches. She taught me and my partner little tricks and parenting hacks that made our days go smoother, especially after my second and third births. She helped me feel like a supermom, confident, strong, and rested!

I could write a book on reasons to hire a doula and maybe I will someday. The ones I highlight here are personal reasons why my partner and I chose to hire a doula again and again. We hired a doula for physical and emotional support, but we received so much more than that. If you’re looking for more evidence on doulas to help you decide whether to hire a doula, there is a good deal of research supporting the role of a doula, some that stand out are the following:

  • 39% decrease risk in C-section

  • 15% increase in spontaneous vaginal births

  • 10% decrease is the use of medications for pain relief

  • Shorter labors by 41 minutes

  • 38% decrease in lower 5 min Apgar scores

  • 31% decrease in being dissatisfied with the birth experience

Happy birthing!


Childbirth during a pandemic


The hormones of labour